Tools of the Trade

This morning I was reveling in my morning practice and how it was rescuing me from “the simmer.” What’s that? It’s the slow, low burn of toxic emotions like frustration, discouragement, worry and criticism that I wake up with quite often. It’s not a bonfire, consuming all the air and light. Most days it’s, well, simmering, like a pot of something quietly bubbling on the back burner of the cook top.

Long Live King Kobe

It hit me like a dull thud in the chest. Then the sharp thrust at the sudden surprising loss, followed by roiling crescendo of grief for his family. That’s how the news of the deaths of Kobe Bryant and his young daughter Gianna felt. It’s because he was so young, and she was a child. It’s because we could all imagine the moments of terror preceding the crash of the helicopter.

The Grace of Self-Care

One of the wonderful things about living in New York City is that you can get practically anything delivered. Got home too late to start cooking dinner? Order in. No washing machine in your apartment or laundry room in your building? The laundromat down the street will send someone to pick up your dirty clothes, wash them, fold them, and bring them back.

The Word for the Year is…

I’ll bet you’re already sick of all the talk about resolutions (to keep, or not to keep), and how to strategically plan your week, your year, your business, your life. The diet folks and fitness centers have been gunning for you to sign up since Thanksgiving. They’re literally banking on you to start January with a surge of ambition, only to peter out by March.